Games released in 2006

Agatha Christie 2: Murder on the Orient Express
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine
Ankh 1: Reverse the Curse
Ankh 2: Heart of Osiris
Barrow Hill 1: Curse of the Ancient Circle
Ben Jordan Case 5: Land of the Rising Dead
The Blackwell Legacy
Bone Act 2: The Great Cow Race
Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death
Camelot Galway (2006)
Carol Reed Mystery 3: Time Stand Still
Carte Blanche 1: For a Fistful of Teeth
CSI 4: 3 Dimensions of Murder
Death in Sakkara
Destination: Treasure Island
Duty and Beyond
The Exchange Student Episode 1: First Day in Sweden
The Farm: Episode One
Frasse and the Peas of Kejick
The Game That Takes Place on a Cruise Ship
Gumshoe Online 5: The Murky Truth
Haluz 1
Hans Christian Andersen: The Ugly Prince Duckling
Intrigue at Oakhaven Plantation
Lunar Deep: The Adventure Below
Missing (2006)
Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso
The Mystery of Castle Wildenburg
Nancy Drew 15: The Creature of Kapu Cave
The Netherworld
Okuldeje III - Eternal Fear
The Oracle
Reactor 09
Robotragedy 2: Countdown to Doomsday
Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle
Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure
Sam and Max, Season 1 Episode 1: Culture Shock
Sam and Max, Season 1 Episode 2: Situation: Comedy
Secret Files 1: Tunguska
The Secrets of Atlantis: The Sacred Legacy
The Secrets of Da Vinci: The Forbidden Manuscript
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
The Shivah
Super Jazz Man
Tony Tough 2: A Rake's Progress
Touch Detective
Undercover: Operation Wintersun
Victi: Blood Bitterness
What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed